Friday, June 26, 2009

Reduce Leadership Friction

The only thing standing between you and the leadership greatness you want to achieve is friction. Friction is any obstacle or block standing between where you now are and where you've always wanted to be.

Outer friction could be relationships at work that are not impeccable, projects that remain incomplete and bad habits that destroy your productivity.

Inner friction might involve self-confidence issues, negative thinking patterns and outright fears that need to be worked through.

By methodically releasing every element standing in your way, you will eventually access the fullness of your leadership potential. And that will inevitably translate into an extraordinary career - and a superior life.

The Job of a Leader

Leaders have many jobs. But ultimately, business/leadership and life's all about people. The best leaders never miss an opportunity to SHINE A LIGHT ON PEOPLE.

Each day, walk into work - and out into the world - with a singular mission: to evoke THE BEST from everyone you meet.

People are longing - no, ACHING - to be recognized. To be made to feel special. To have their voice heard. And their talents appreciated.

Regardless of your title, you have the power to do that. For EVERYONE. And that's a pretty awesome power.

P.S. Some tactics:

-find something to sincerely compliment in someone

-say thank you to someone who deserves to be appreciated (esp. Firefighters and Police)

-smile at people

-listen brilliantly

-be wildly enthusiastic so you spread your passion

Thursday, June 4, 2009

The 6 Fuels of Inspiration

I used to think the whole notion of inspiration was soft. I've now come to deeply understand it's not. Every great act and innovation in science/arts/society was done under the spirit of inspiration. And as a Leader Without a Title, may I suggest that you owe it to yourself to get your levels of inspiration to world-class. In so doing, you'll change the game. And elevate every thing you touch.

Here are 6 of the tactics I teach to employees of our corporate clients to help them stay inspired so they do great work:

1. Leverage Music. During your Holy Hour, listen to music that elevates your state and rekindles the fire in your belly. During workouts lately, I've been listening to Aerosmith. The flood of energy provoked runs me through my routine.

2. Be Near Art. At least once a week, find some free time to connect with art. Being around masterpieces and high works of creative self-expression will engage the genius within you.

3. Rise early. Leaders get up early. And once you do, make time to reflect. Reflect on your mission. Consider your deepest values. Deliberate on what you want the coming day - as well as the gift of your life - to stand for.

4. Love Good Food. Interesting food can be inspiring. If you usually eat meat and potatoes, try Malaysian food. If you usually have sandwiches for lunch, go for Japanese. Shaking things up grows your reserves of inspiration.

5. Read Great Books. Few fuels are as powerful an energizer than learning. As I wrote in a recent post I did on Twitter, "Learning drives passion." And when it comes to learning, you just can’t beat reading. I try never to hold myself out as an ideal. I'm a simple/ordinary person - doing the best I can. But one thing I'm fairly good at is my commitment to reading every morning. And it moves me to drive my standards forward. Every single day.

6. Talk to Yourself
. Words are so very powerful. Manage your vocabulary. In my new "Leadership in Turbulent Times" workshop, I encourage employees to use words that keep them in peak state. You won't find Lewis Hamilton complaining and condemning before the big race.

Leadership has a lot to do with inspiration. Being uber-inspired helps you see solutions where others see problems. It helps you innovate. Move faster. And positively influence others. Please remember: you can't inspire others until you get inspired. So we need you at your greatest. And absolute best.

P.S. – Want more inspiration and coaching weekly? Registration for my 52-week FastLeadership eNewsletter opens today, May 27th at Noon EST for a limited time only. Click here to register now.

How to get up early

Leaders get that the real fight is the fight against time. So much to achieve/innovate and influence. And so few hours in a day. The solution? Get up uber-early. That way you have your day - versus your day having you.

I was up early this am. One of the gifts I give myself. As I mentioned on Twitter, I spent time reviewing my Core Values. And building out a template for an "on game" day.

I thought it might be helpful to you if I shared what I do to help me get up between 4 and 5 am on most days (aside from travel days):

1. I try to workout daily. This dramatically drives energy levels. You'll feel more inspired. And you'll need less sleep.

2. A massage each week. This isn't an expense - it's an investment in your full creative expression/productivity/passion and sustained excellent health. And you'll find you need far less sleep.

3. Do your Holy Hour. If you've read The Greatness Guide , you know about this key leadership practice. Take 60 minutes from 5-6 am and get inspired. Read superb books. Write about your hopes, goals and dreams within your journal. Say your mantras. Hit the gym. You'll start feeling so good/energetic, getting up early will be effortless.

4. Meditation. I just find that 30 minutes of meditation in the morning clears out my mind. And with less worry and more clarity, I sleep more deeply. So I need less.

5. Remember The 40 Day Rule. Any new practice will feel foreign/stressful/hard for the first 40 days as you repattern. Stick with the 5 am rise. Have the courage and persistence to get this habit installed. After 40 days, you'll have a new protocol in place that - I promise you - will boost your leadership and pour far more passion/success/happiness into every area of your life.