Friday, March 20, 2009

Four great ideas to become great in business

I am very happy to share some great ideas,it will also help your organization to bounce back from bad economy , this four great ideas very helped for me. could you too

1. Adversity Breeds Opportunity.

Now is not the time to play small. Hunt for opportunities rather than investing your energy (and the energy of your team) on problems. Now is the time to innovate faster, deliver even more value, grow your customer base and get operations to their NLE (Next Level Excellence).

2. Play The Long Game

Whether this down cycle lasts 1 year or 10, it will end. And the companies left standing will be the companies that have prepared superbly for the future. Stay close to your vision during these turbulent times. Get back to the core values upon which your enterprise was built. Refocus on your core competencies. And make the time to dream.

3. Grow Relationships.

Easy to go for the fast buck now. But leadership isn't about doing what's easy - it's about doing what's right. And right always wins. Underpromise and overdeliver. Go out and meet your customers. Listen to how they are feeling. Be there for them. They'll never forget your support and loyalty. And they'll reward you with theirs.

4. Three to Thrive

Everyone needs to be a part of the solution. Ask each of your employees/teammates to come up with 3 specific things they can do in their work to cut costs and grow revenues. This will not only give them the opportunity to feel heard. You'll generate some remarkable ideas.
- Robinsharma

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