A visin is not a word, which is driving force for an individual, a groups, an organizations.
Vision process starts with dream, the dream will turn into vision. Visioin is nothing but what could be in future. as a leader should define a vision which includes, what his or her company will achieve in future,also when it will be achieved.
Once vision have defined , that vision shoud be communicate with your employees. the communication may be written.Employees need to understand what he or she are doing. Each and every day you look the vision, work towards that. if you found any obstacle in your go forward that is the power of vision. it gives meaning for life. As a leader should lead the followers , he need to guide the employees, he need to help employees to realize their potential. Vision should be realistic, which can be change based on . Finaly as leader should define clear vision, communicate with employyes, move forwrd, which gives life satisfaction and sucess.
- dhanasekar
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