Wednesday, November 6, 2013

Tuesday, July 9, 2013

73 Best Business and Success Lessons

  1. You can really Lead Without a Title.
  2. Knowing what to do and not doing it is the same as not knowing what to do.
  3. Give away what you most wish to receive.
  4. The antidote to stagnation is innovation.
  5. The conversations you are most resisting are the conversations you most need to be having.
  6. Leadership is no longer about position – but passion. It’s no longer about image but impact. This is Leadership 2.0.
  7. The bigger the dream, the more important to the team.
  8. Visionaries see the “impossible” as the inevitable.
  9. All great thinkers are initially ridiculed – and eventually revered.
  10. The more you worry about being applauded by others and making money, the less you’ll focus on doing the great work that will generate applause. And make you money.
  11. To double your net worth, double your self-worth. Because you will never exceed the height of your self-image.
  12. The more messes you allow into your life, the more messes will become a normal (and acceptable) part of your life.
  13. The secret to genius is not genetics but daily practice married with relentless perseverance.
  14. The best leaders lift people up versus tear people down.
  15. The most precious resource for businesspeople is not their time. It’s their energy. Manage it well.
  16. The fears you run from run to you.
  17. The most dangerous place is in your safety zone.
  18. The more you go to your limits, the more your limits will expand.
  19. Every moment in front of a customer is a gorgeous opportunity to live your values.
  20. Be so good at what you do that no one else in the world can do what you do.
  21. You’ll never go wrong in doing what is right.
  22. It generally takes about 10 years to become an overnight sensation.
  23. Never leave the site of a strong idea without doing something to execute around it.
  24. A strong foundation at home sets you up for a strong foundation at work.
  25. Never miss a moment to encourage someone you work with.
  26. Saying “I’ll try” really means “I’m not really committed.”
  27. The secret of passion is purpose.
  28. Do a few things at mastery versus many things at mediocrity.
  29. To have the rewards that very few have, do the things that very few people are willing to do.
  30. Go where no one’s gone and leave a trail of excellence behind you.
  31. Who you are becoming is more important than what you are accumulating.
  32. Accept your teammates for what they are and inspire them to become all they can be.
  33. To triple the growth of your organization, triple the growth of your people.
  34. The best leaders are the most dedicated learners. Read great books daily. Investing in your self-development is the best investment you will ever make.
  35. Other people’s opinions of you are none of your business.
  36. Change is hardest at the beginning, messiest in the middle and best at the end.
  37. Measure your success by your inner scorecard versus an outer one.
  38. Understand the acute difference between the cost of something and the value of something.
  39. Nothing fails like success. Because when you are at the top, it’s so easy to stop doing the very things that brought you to the top.
  40. The best leaders blend courage with compassion.
  41. The less you are like others, the less others will like you.
  42. The thoughts you think today determine the results you’ll see tomorrow.
  43. Excellence in one area is the beginning of excellence in every area.
  44. The real reward for doing your best work is not the money you make but the leader you become.
  45. Passion + production = performance.
  46. The value of getting to your goals lives not in reaching the goal but what the talents/strengths/capabilities the journey reveals to you.
  47. Stand for something. Or else you’ll fall for anything.
  48. Say “thank you” when you’re grateful and “sorry” when you’re wrong.
  49. Make the work you are doing today better than the work you did yesterday.
  50. Small daily – seemingly insignificant – improvements and innovations lead to staggering achievements over time.
  51. Peak performers replace depletion with inspiration on a daily basis.
  52. Take care of your relationships and the sales/money will take care of itself.
  53. You can’t be great if you don’t feel great. Make exceptional health your #1 priority.
  54. Doing the difficult things that you’ve never done awakens the talents you never knew you had.
  55. As we each express our natural genius, we all elevate our world.
  56. Your daily schedule reflects your deepest values.
  57. People do business with people who make them feel special.
  58. All things being equal, the primary competitive advantage of your business will be your ability to grow Leaders Without Titles faster than your industry peers.
  59. Treat people well on your way up and they’ll treat you well on your way down.
  60. Success lies in a masterful consistency around a few fundamentals. It really is simple. Not easy. But simple.
  61. The business (and person) who tries to be everything to everyone ends up being nothing to anyone.
  62. One of the primary tactics for enduring winning is daily learning.
  63. To have everything you want, help as many people as you can possibly find get everything they want.
  64. Understand that a problem is only a problem if you choose to view it as a problem (vs. an opportunity).
  65. Clarity precedes mastery. Craft clear and precise plans/goals/deliverables. And then block out all else.
  66. The best in business spend far more time on learning than in leisure.
  67. Lucky is where skill meets persistence.
  68. The best Leaders Without a Title use their heads and listen to their hearts.
  69. The things that are hardest to do are often the things that are the best to do.
  70. Every single person in the world could be a genius at something, if they practiced it daily for at least ten years (as confirmed by the research of Anders Ericsson and others).
  71. Daily exercise is an insurance policy against future illness. The best Leaders Without Titles are the fittest.
  72. Education is the beginning of transformation. Dedicate yourself to daily learning via books/audios/seminars and coaching.
  73. The quickest way to grow the sales of your business is to grow your people.
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Sunday, April 28, 2013

To reach  world class :

  1. Know what you want. Clarity is power. And vague goals promote vague results.
  2. Remember that when you transform your fitness, you’ll transform your business.
  3. Stop being a victim. Your business and personal life was made by you. No one else is responsible. To make it better, make better choices. And new decisions.
  4. Find your own style. Be an original. Every superstar differentiated themselves from The Herd. And marched to their own drumbeat.
  5. A problem is only a problem if you make the choice to see it as a problem.
  6. In business, don’t play to survive. Play to win.
  7. Give more than you take. The marketplace rewards generosity


Thursday, October 4, 2012

11 Obsessions of Remarkable Entrepreneurs

The 11 Obsessions of Remarkable Entrepreneurs 1. Remarkable Entrepreneurs understand the quality of the practice determines the caliber of the performance The Pro Athlete Protocol: Prepare Yourself Mentally, Physically + Emotionally 2. Bureaucrats talk about people and problems, Remarkable Entrepreneurs talk about possibilities and solutions Focus on results and get things done. Continually ask yourself, “What’s the opportunity here? How can we leverage this situation.” Focus on possibilities. Results. Results. Results. 3. Remarkable Entrepreneurs understand they are paid not just to work, but they are paid to be scared The best entrepreneurs play out on the edges and take calculated risks. Challenge the way you performed yesterday. Take calculated risks. 4. To have what only 1% of the entrepreneurial population have, you must be willing to do what only 1% of the entrepreneurial population are willing to do The best entrepreneurs do what’s difficult, what causes them to stretch and what requires commitment. Be committed. Be willing to do what the few do. Develop the leaders around you. Go into silence. Work on your customer experience. Have acute clarity on your 90 day goals. Work on your goals. Build relationships and trust. Persist. 5. Bureaucrats are threatened by change, Remarkable Entrepreneurs are inspired by change The best entrepreneurs understand that a change is required to get to the next level of profits, success and fulfillment. Go through the confusion to get to the clarity. 6. Bureaucrats have jobs, Remarkable Entrepreneurs have crafts Develop your talents and make a dent in the universe. Do something you are proud of. Elicit the best within you. The best entrepreneurs aren’t in it for the money, they’re in it for the pride they feel on creating world-class products and doing genius-level work. 7. Remarkable Entrepreneurs understand that an addiction to distraction is the death of creative production The best entrepreneurs understand the key in business is to shift out of complexity + busy-ness to simplicity + focus. Focus on the few high leverage activities that will get you to where you want to be. 8. Bureaucrats wait until they get the energy, Remarkable Entrepreneurs understand that to get the energy you must first do the work When you do the Work You Will Receive The 3 Entrepreneurial Gifts: 1. Release of more motivation 2. Release of confidence 3. Release of energy 9. Remarkable Entrepreneurs understand the bigger the dream the more important the team Leadership is about influence – moving people to action by your example. Leadership is about impact – less talk more results. Leadership is about inspiration – grow other leaders 10. Remarkable Entrepreneurs populate their lives with people whose lives they want to be living Surround yourself with people and environments that inspire you. Have an obsessive attention to excellence. Create worlds that inspire you. 11. Remarkable Entrepreneurs are obsessed fundamentally with giving Ask yourself not what can I get, ask yourself who may I help. Business is about producing unusual value for as many people as possible.

Tuesday, July 10, 2012

15 Ways To Do Your Best Work

1.Do your best work by challenging the way you did things yesterday. 2.Do your best work by allowing your passion to see the light of day. 3.Do your best work by becoming part of the solution versus growing the problem. 4.Do your best work by expecting nothing less than you playing at world-class. 5.Do your best work by giving away the credit (especially when you crave it) 6.Do your best work by practicing your skills so you become a virtuoso. 7.Do your best work by releasing excuses and doing important things. 8.Do your best work by getting up when you’ve been knocked down. 9.Do your best work by keeping your promises; to others and to yourself. 10.Do your best work by showing integrity. 11.Do your best work by delivering more value than anyone could ever expect from you. 12.Do your best work by making time to refill your well. 13.Do your best work by having a strong foundation at home. 14.Do your best work by becoming as fit as a pro athlete. 15.Do your best work by doing work that makes a difference and inspires others to do the same.

Tuesday, May 15, 2012

The 44 Master Moves of Remarkable Entrepreneurs

1. They get that the #1 way to build a global brand is one customer at a time. 2. They obsess around having an impact vs. growing their income (and so their income soars). 3. They listen more than they speak. And they deliver more than they promise. 4. They use their most valuable hours to do their most valuable work (don’t check email first thing in the morning). 5. They get that you can’t have an A-level company if you hire B-level people. 6. They are deeply aware that jealousy is the tribute mediocrity pays to Mastery. And so they fearlessly pour their Genius into the world. 7. They understand that what the amateur calls genius, the professional calls practice. 8. They are fanatics around building a systems-driven company. Everything has a system built around it. This ensures consistently fantastic results. And allows the entrepreneur to take extraordinary amounts of time off. [I've recorded a powerful training video that will show you how to really grow an ultra-successful company while you live a much better life. It's called "The Napa Valley Adventure". Watch it now:] 9. They trust their vision when everyone else is doubting their vision. 10. They provoke their teammates to do work they never imagined they could do. 11. They know that good enough just isn’t good enough. Outright perfection is their ideal. 12. They have discovered that extra hard work is Success’ true best friend. 13. They use flight time to get ahead and review their plans vs. playing Angry Birds and watching bad movies. 14. They get that progress often shows up in failure’s clothing. 15. They invest deeply in their education and development knowing that the fastest way to double your net worth is to triple your rate of learning. 16. They focus on value versus cost. 17. They hold themselves to performance + ethical standards higher than anyone could ever expect of them. 18. They make the time to think, plan and prepare – understanding that clarity breeds mastery. And there’s no point in brilliantly executing the wrong things. 19. They get that their 3 most valuable assets are their mental focus, physical energy and internal creativity. And so they protect them ferociously. 20. They are “Apple-like” in their willingness to think differently and ensure their products leave customers breathless. 21. They stick to their convictions – especially in the face of criticism. 22. They relentlessly stay true to their clearly articulated vision – even when confronted with the most heartbreaking of obstruction. 23. They adore the mantra: “How may I best serve the most people?” 24. They challenge the way they worked yesterday for the sake of even bigger work tomorrow. 25. They get that either you disrupt the status quo in your industry (and within your life), or you will be disrupted. And it will hurt. 26. They spend their days doing real work versus fake work. And getting important things done versus being really busy being busy. 27. They know that if they’re not frightened a lot they’re not achieving a lot. 28. They appreciate that Leadership’s no longer about ensuring compliance but inspiring connections, being of service and getting great things done. 29. They work hard to craft a high-performance culture, understanding that the culture of the organization stages the performance of its people. 30. They are more fascinated in building a company that will endure the generations than an enterprise that is hot for a few quarters. Iconic is their obsession. 31. They get that failure is the foundation of innovation. 32. They are acutely aware that the winning formula that made their company successful just might be the one that makes their company obsolete. And so they break what works. And stay foolish and hungry. 33. They deliver results versus voice rationalizations. 34. They view angry customers as breathtakingly great opportunities to create fanatical fans. 35. They know that if people are not laughing at your 24 Month Magnificent Obsession (More on that and all these ideas at The Remarkable Entrepreneur SuperConference 2012 in Toronto, Canada June 2+3 – see below for details to grab a seat while you can – I really want to help you win this year!), you have the wrong vision. 36. They perceive connections with their community as the main aim of commerce. 37. They are devoted to getting into their absolute best physical condition. They have zero desire to be the richest people in the graveyard. 38. They understand that the greatest gift you can give a teammate (or a customer or your child) is the gift of your undivided attention. 39. They know that logic is the dream killer. Instead, they trust instinct, creativity and passion to lead them to where they need to go. 40. They have learned that few things feel better than the pride you’ll feel on a job beautifully done. 41. They are good at starting things. And even better at finishing them. 42. They get that confidence grows via the doing of difficult things. And so they pursue discomfort. 43. They identify themselves as virtuosos. Best in World is the only place they play. 44. They bravely donate their lives to a cause larger than themselves. And – in this way – transform the world through their presence. If you’re ready to make these master moves a part of the way you work and are set to unleash the potential of your business, you definitely want to attend The Remarkable Entrepreneur SuperConference 2012, widely considered one of the most valuable and game-changing training events for business builders in the world. I’ll teach you everything I know about growing your business in these volatile times and my method to double your sales in 24 months or less – while taking a lot more time off.

Saturday, January 21, 2012

35 Fast Tips to Make This Your Best Year Yet

Remember that the quality of your life is determined by the quality of your thoughts.
Keep the promises you make to others – and to yourself.
The project that most scares you is the project you need to do first.
Small daily improvements are the key to staggering long-term results.
Stop being busy being busy. This New Year, clean out the distractions from your work+life and devote to a monomaniacal focus on the few things that matter.
Read “The War of Art”.
Watch “The Fighter”.
In a world where technology is causing some of us to forget how to act human, become the politest person you know.
Remember that all great ideas were first ridiculed.
Remember that critics are dreamers gone scared.
Be “Apple-Like” in your obsession with getting the details right.
Take 60 minutes every weekend to craft a blueprint for the coming seven days. As Saul Bellow once said: “A plan relieves you of the torment of choice.”
Release your need to be liked this New Year. You can’t be a visionary if you long to be liked.
Disrupt or be disrupted.
Hire a personal trainer to get you into the best shape of your life. Superstars focus on the value they receive versus the cost of the service.
Give your teammates, customers and family one of the greatest gifts of all: the gift of your attention (and presence).
Every morning ask yourself: “How may I best serve the most people?”
Every night ask yourself: “What 5 good things happened to me this day?”
Don’t waste your most valuable hours (the morning) doing low value work.
Leave every project you touch at work better than you found it.
Your job is not just to work. Your job is to leave a trail of leaders behind you.
A job is not “just a job”. Every job is a gorgeous vehicle to express your gifts and talents – and to model exceptionalism for all around you.
Fears unfaced become your limits.
Get up at 5 am and take 60 minutes to prepare your mind, body, emotions and spirit to be remarkable during the hours that follow. Being a superstar is not the domain of the gifted but the prepared.
Write love letters to your family.
Smile at strangers.
Drink more water.
Keep a journal. Your life’s story is worth recording.
Do more than you’re paid to do and do work that leaves your teammates breathless.
Leave your ego at the door every morning.
Set 5 daily goals every morning. These small wins will lead to nearly 2000 little victories by the end of the year.
Say “please” and “thank you”.
Remember the secret to happiness is doing work that matters and being an instrument of service.
Don’t be the richest person in the graveyard. Health is wealth.
Life’s short. The greatest risk is risk-less living. And settling for average.