Friday, July 3, 2009


I thought I would share this with you today because it keeps coming up. It is a technique that I encourage my clients to use when confronted with resistance or confusing choices.

It is always good to give yourself a chance to think things through before you allow your emotions to make all your decisions. It is a known fact that emotions are 30,000 times faster than thoughts. So let’s give our thoughts a chance when it comes to our decision-making. What do you say?

My Ready-Aim-Fire recommendation:

1. Ready: Allow yourself to stop FEELING for a few moments to break the force of the existing pattern or resistance. It’s sort of like what the Dog Whisperer does to break the state of mind in a dog. It interrupts the status quo. Your emotions are faster than your thoughts. So it is necessary to break that momentum.

2. Aim: Calmly and objectively assess all your options. Ask yourself which ones will take you closer to your goal or further from it. In other words, intellectually assess the options. Once you’ve made your choice (and remember, the choice is always yours, no matter what it is), then you allow positive, supportive emotions to align themselves with your decision.

3. Fire: Now you are ready to act, to be a conscious creator of your own life.

All the best

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