Friday, June 26, 2009

The Job of a Leader

Leaders have many jobs. But ultimately, business/leadership and life's all about people. The best leaders never miss an opportunity to SHINE A LIGHT ON PEOPLE.

Each day, walk into work - and out into the world - with a singular mission: to evoke THE BEST from everyone you meet.

People are longing - no, ACHING - to be recognized. To be made to feel special. To have their voice heard. And their talents appreciated.

Regardless of your title, you have the power to do that. For EVERYONE. And that's a pretty awesome power.

P.S. Some tactics:

-find something to sincerely compliment in someone

-say thank you to someone who deserves to be appreciated (esp. Firefighters and Police)

-smile at people

-listen brilliantly

-be wildly enthusiastic so you spread your passion

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