Monday, April 27, 2009

A Ferocious Focus on The Vital Few

Been enjoying tweeting on Twitter. Why? Because it causes me to distill my actions and thinking into a single line or two about five times a day. That's just good for my creativity. And strong for my brain. And I get the flood of good feelings that come to me through feeling I'm helping people play at their brilliance.

But as I spend more time involved in online social media (that includes that's available to each of us in this wild and wonderful world we find ourselves in, it seems to me that we are in a war - a war against the seduction of distraction.

It's never been so easy - and entertaining - to waste time. We can text and we can chat and we can surf. Sure, there's a ton of good content on the Net and sure connecting with people is ultimately what business and life's all about. But I suggest we need to discern the difference between reading great content and connecting intelligently and just purely wasting time.

I say this often but it may be worth repeating. Life's a short ride. Before we know it, we'll be a pile of dust. And all that will matter will be the value we created and the achievements that we generated (and a superb inner life and excellent health and a happy family world etc are all achievements to me).

Fight the distractions that challenge your waking hours. Have a Ferocious Focus on The Vital Few. Spend your days only on important things. This morning I did a list of my "un-worthy pursuits". The thought being when I eliminate each of them, all that will be left standing is my worthy ones. Try it.

Leadership is about being focused on doing great things. Everything else is a waste of time. Yes, wasting time can feel fun. But in the end, nothing's less fun than feeling the regret of a career or a life poorly lived.

Ok, nice connecting with you. Need to get back to tweeting on Twitter :)

...........By Robin sharma
Leadership guru

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