Monday, April 27, 2009

Leadership and Watering Cans

Was skiing with a friend the other day. He has a remarkable history of developing the best within the people he surrounds himself with. When I asked about one of his employees that I knew, he informed me that this person was shining more brightly than ever before. "What did you do?" I asked. "I just gave him a little water and he started to grow."

I know you get the metaphor. And I think it's a real one. People are like plants (I get that doesn't sound so good - but it's true isn't it?). Water and nourish and care for them, and they bloom (ok, sounds even more cheesy...but it's true isn't it?).

Leadership is about lifting people up versus knocking people down. There's just too many haters/critics/dis-couragers out there. And I have zero time for them. The ones who grow people, those are my heroes. The ones who look for the best in others, them I admire. The ones who walk around the office with a watering can: I wish they were all my best friends.

..............By Dhanasekar

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